river basin

Physiogeographical location

The basin is located in the northwestern part of the Kyrgyz Republic. The river basin (r.b) area – 11,013 km₂ or 2.6% of the KR total area. The basin area, according to the administrative-territorial division, Talas oblast is included.

The basin includes

The basin includes the r. Talas with all tributaries, the largest of which are: ​​

r.r. Karakol | Uchkoshoy | Ur-Maral | Kuymush-Too | Kara-Buura | Neldy


The r. Talas total length - 661 km, including 217 km within the KR (entry is village Kirovskoe).


The r. Kurkureu also originates on the territory of the basin, which is the right tributary of the r. Assa (Kazakhstan). The river length - 25 km (at the entry of the Chon-Kurchan), the catchment area - 454 km₂

Agriculture and animal husbandry


The number of main livestock species, in recent years, has a stable growth of horses (11%) and sheep (13%). The load of bovine and horses per 1 ha (673.5 thousand ha) of pastures in Talas oblast is quite high and amounts to 10 and 26 heads, respectively, the load of sheep and goats is also quite high, amounting to 123 heads.

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The share in the total republican volume of gross agriculture, forestry and fishery production in Talas oblast only 9%. The irrigated agriculture is well developed in the basin. The main cultivated crops: cereals, vegetables, potatoes, beans, corn, perennial grasses. One of the main crops is beans, the area under crops of which is about 40% of the total area of cultivated crops.


thousand people

According to the estimated data, the actual population of Talas oblast, at the end of 2021, amounted to 266.9 thousand people, the permanent population was 274.0 thousand people. Of these, 85.0 percent lived in villages, and 15.0 percent in urban settlements. In 2017-2021, there was an increase in the number of resident population by 15.0 thousand people or by 5.8 %.


Over the past five years (2017-2021), the industrial sector of Talas oblast has seen an increase in production volumes, which is mainly due to an increase in its output at the enterprises that produce main metals. The volume of industrial production, in current prices, in 2021 amounted to more than KGS 15 billion, the physical volume index compared to 2020 amounted to 95.0 percent.

An increase in average annual air temperature is observed in all climatic zones and oblasts of the KR, as well as in all altitudinal zones. For the entire period of observations on the r.r. Talas, Urmaral, Kumyshtag and Kurkureusu have positive annual gradients of changes in average annual discharges, for the observation period of 1990-2018, gradients on the r.r. Talas and Kumyshtag increased by 2-5 times.

An increase in average annual air temperature is observed in all climatic zones and oblasts of the KR, as well as in all altitudinal zones. For the entire period of observations on the r.r. Talas, Urmaral, Kumyshtag and Kurkureusu have positive annual gradients of changes in average annual discharges, for the observation period of 1990-2018, gradients on the r.r. Talas and Kumyshtag increased by 2-5 times.

Use of water resources

The annual water abstraction from surface sources, including groundwater, in the Talas river basin territories is about 1 bln.m3, of which about 700 mln.m3 is used for various water consumption needs.

Sampling of water use on the territory of the Talas basin (million m/cubic meter)

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WATER ABSTRUCTION and use for 2017-2021


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Of the annual water abstraction volume, about 99% is used for irrigation, 1% of water is used mainly for household and drinking needs.

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Projected climate change

climate change

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In the period 2021-2050, the annual air temperature is expected to increase by 1.5 - 1.9°C (optimistic and pessimistic scenarios) compared to the baseline climate in 1981-2010. The greatest increase in temperature is expected in the summer period - by 1.7 - 2.2°С, in the remaining seasons of the year, an increase in temperature is expected comparable to the forecast for annual temperature increase. According to the research results, under the expected climate change, the glaciers in the r.b. Talas will gradually degrade, and by 2100 may be completely depleted.

Quantitave indicators


Based on chronological graphs of changes in the average annual water discharges of the r.r. Talas, Urmaral, Kumyshtag and Kurkuroo in r.b. Talas, regression equations and trends in river flow changes for the next 10 years were obtained, which made it possible to determine the quantitative indicators of the runoff for the period up to 2028, according to which it should be assumed that the runoff of these rivers will also increase. It is obvious that the process of increase in runoff will continue until the complete depletion of glaciation in these river basins, presumably by 2100. The quantitative assessment of moisture demonstrated that for unfavorable climatic scenarios, almost the entire KR’s territory, occupied by arable lands, falls into the zone of deserts and semi-deserts. The area of semi-deserts will increase in the KR’s territory by 1.8-2.1 times, and in Talas oblast by 1.4-1.6 times.

emergency situations


For emergency situations such as: mudflows, floods, mountain lakes break-throughs, the increase is also expected, characterized by a shift in maximum probability of highly-likely emergency situations, towards increased frequency. The consequences of climate change are unfavorable for the economy of the basin and, first of all, for agriculture, public health and natural systems, which determines the need for adaptation actions. The consequences of climate change are unfavorable for the r.b. economy and, first of all, for agriculture, public health and natural systems, which determines the need for adaptation actions.

Existing issues and remedies

With a further trend in the population growth, the pressure on water resources will increase. Providing water consumers with water metering devices for the rational use of drinking water, perform additional research, clarification and approval of groundwater reserves within a deposit location(s). Establishing adequate tariffs for the supply of drinking water.
  1. Beans are a monoculture, which makes it difficult to deliver the irrigation water to all water users in a timely manner. The yield of beans is insufficient. Comply with cropping pattern/rotation, replacing beans with other crops, in particular corn.

Condition of an irrigation system: Of the 560.3 km of irrigation canals, 30.2 km or 6% are in poor condition, mainly in the Manas and Karabura rayons.

Land degradation: Irrigated lands in unsatisfactory condition account for 5% of the total area of irrigated lands:

The State funding for rehabilitation and (re)construction of irrigation systems is increased annually. By 2026, in accordance with the State Program for the Development of Irrigation of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is planned to put into operation four objects/facilities in the r.b. Talas with new irrigated lands on area of 2,680 hectares, and an increase in water delivery on area of 20,300 hectares of existing irrigated lands.
With increase in livestock heads, the load per 1 ha of pastures increases and is quite high. Pasture degradation is noted: the spread of the prickly weed Karagan, an annual increase in the spread by 2%, which is not suitable for livestock consumption, is also noted. Carry works on cultivation of pastures (sowing fodder crops on pastures).
the Irrigated agriculture, animal husbandry and household services are the main polluters of surface and ground waters. The quality of surface and ground waters is negatively affected by sewage from the c. Talas and the municipal solid waste dump. Considering that the concept of development and commissioning into operation a number of production facilities in the region, mainly processing industry entities, and the development of mining industry, in the future, the water quality may deteriorate significantly.
Until 2025, (re)construction and rehabilitation of drinking water supply and sewage systems in the c. Talas.

The development of Talas river basin will be carried out in the following directions:


The basin is the most important producer of agricultural products. Therefore, the main directions for development should be the increase in productivity in agriculture and the depth of raw materials processing. It is necessary to build the capacity of the processing industry, develop transport infrastructure, and improve irrigation systems. The development of processing industry will require investment.

Animal husbandry

For development of this industry, it is necessary to take measures to improve the thoroughbred stock, improve the quality of veterinary services, and improve the fodder base.

Development of mining industry

The basin has large natural resources and is attractive to investors in terms of field development. The sustainable development of the basin in these areas will be achieved by creating the favorable environment, preventing degradation of ecological systems, preserving biological diversity, and introducing energy and resource-saving technologies. Also, the health and prosperity of the population directly depend on the environment. One of the main ways to improve the quality of life, health and increase life expectancy of the population is to reduce the adverse impact of environmental factors, and improve the surrounding environmental indicators.

development tendency of The Talas river basin