The Chui river basin is located in the central part of northern Kyrgyzstan to the west of the Issyk-Kul Lake basin, the relief of the upper reaches of which is represented by the deeply divided slopes of the ridges of the northern Tien Shan: Jumgol, Karakokty, Baiduly, Karakujur, the eastern ending of the Kyrgyz and the western ending of Terskey-Ala-Too.
The total length of the Chu river is 1,186 km, of which 489 km is on the territory of Kyrgyz Republic. The basin area in the Kyrgyz territory is 22210,6 km2 or 11% of the total area of the country. According to the administrative-territorial division, the Chui oblast is included, with the exception of the Suusamyr Valley, the Kochkor rayon of the Naryn oblast, the western part of the Tonsky district of the Issyk-Kul oblast.
The Chu river is formed from the confluence of the Kochkor and Juvanaryk rivers, having received a number of tributaries within the Kochkor valley, the Chu River enters the Issyk-Kul intermountain depression. There is a dam of the Orto-Tokoi reservoir W=470,0 million m3 in the line that closes the Kochkor Valley. The main tributaries of the Chu River are on the right Chon-Kemin, Kichi-Kemin, on theleft Kyzyl-Suu, Shamsi, Kegeti, Issyk-Ata, Alamedin, Alaarcha, Aksu, Karabalty, Chon-Kaindy, Aspara.
In the total gross output of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in 2021, crop production accounted for - 50,6%, livestock production - 45,1%, forestry and fisheries -1,3% and agricultural services - 3,0%. The total sown area of agricultural crops in the region as a whole in 2021 amounted to 419,5 thous ha and compared to the previous year increased by 0,1 thous ha, and compared to 2017- by 1,9 thous ha, or by 0,5 %.
Increase in the production of gross livestock products in 2021 compared to 2020 by 1,6% in comparable prices is due to the increase in the number of cattle and the production of livestock products in physical terms. At the end of 2021 in farms of all categories of the region kept 309,4 thousand heads of cattle, which is by 1,2% or 3,6 thousand heads more than at the end of 2020, and by 9,1% or 25,9 thousand heads more than at the end of 2017.
In 2021, a significant part of sown areas - 261,5 thous ha or 62,3% - will be sown with grain crops, 104,8 thous ha or 25,0% - with fodder crops, 20,6 thous ha or 4,9 % - with vegetable crops and 9,9 thous ha or 2,4 % - with potatoes. Over the last five years, the structure of sown areas has changed: crops of grain crops are increasing, and crops of potatoes, sugar beet (factory beet), oilseeds and fodder crops are decreasing.
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The population of the basin at the end of 2021 is 2116,1 thousand people. Of these, 41 percent lived in villages and 59 percent lived in urban settlements. In 2017-2021, there was an increase in the permanent population of the basin by 166,2 thousand people or 8,6 %.
Chui oblast occupies the main place in the industrial production of the Kyrgyz Republic. Production of rare-earth elements of yttrium group, cable products, equipment for trade and catering, building materials, lime, window glass, slate, cardboard, carpets, felted footwear, granulated sugar, alcohol, primary processing of wool, cement is concentrated here. Major industries: light industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, machine building and metalworking, production of industrial building materials.
The volume of manufacturing production in 2021 was formed in the amount of 142428,3 million KGS, which is 122,0 % to the level of the previous year. The largest share in the volume of manufacturing production falls on the production of basic metals and finished metal products — 97051,4 million KGS (68,1 percent), food products, including beverages — 25450,3 (17,9), rubber and plastic products, other non-metallic mineral products — 13658,9 (9,6), textile, clothing and footwear production — 3112,9 million KGS (2,2%), etc.
Chui oblast has a wonderful climate, amazing natural resources, based on which both internal and external tourism is developing.
In 2021, there were 16 private hotels in the oblast. The number of people staying in hotels amounted to 10,1 thousand people, among them: 10,0 thousand people arrived for recreation, 0,1 — for business and professional trips. Compared to 2020, the number of visitors increased by 1,5 times, while the number of visitors decreased by 1,6 times compared to 2017.
To provide sanatorium-resort and health-improving services to the population in the region there are 12 sanatorium-resort institutions for 615 places per month. Two of them are children’s sanatoriums with a capacity of 120 beds per month. In 2021, 32069 people improved their health in these hospitals.
The number of tourists served by recreation and tourism organizations in 2021 was 44,4 thousand people, (54,1 — in 2017) of which 43,0 thousand people (52,5 — in 2017) were domestic tourists, i.e. citizens of our country.
In 2021, out of the total number of tourists 22,7 thousand people are served by tourist recreation centers, 10,1 thousand people by hotel-type enterprises 9,4 thousand people by sanatorium-resort institutions, 0,9 thousand people by natural parks and nature reserves, etc.
Analysis of changes in precipitation, air temperature showed the significance of already observed climatic changes and river runoff in the Chui basin. In the Chui Valley over the 80-year period 1930-2009, annual air temperatures increased as follows: Chuiskaya by 1,8 0С, Bishkek by 2,0 0С and Tokmak by 2,3 0С.
A study of the observed variability of river flow in the Chu river basin was carried out, for which rivers with long observation periods were selected: Chon-Kemin-mouth (83 years), Alamedin-mouth of the Chunkurchak river (104 years), Alaarcha-mouth of the Kashkasu river (92 years), Aksu-village of Chon-Aryk (78 years), Sokuluk-village of Belogorka (82 years), Karabalty-village of Sosnovka (74 years) and Chon-Kaindy-gorge of Chon-Kaindy (77 years).
Based on surveys, over the entire observation period, positive annual gradients of change in mean annual discharge are observed on all rivers considered, the highest on the Chon-Kemin and Alaarcha rivers and the lowest on the Aksu r. During the observation period 1990-2018, firstly, positive trends on the Alaarcha and Aksu rivers changed to negative trends, and secondly, gradients on the Chon-Kaindy, Sokuluk, and Karabalti rivers increased several times.
The surveys for both periods revealed positive annual runoff gradients, and the absolute values determined for two different periods demonstrate that the gradients calculated for 1990-2018 2.3 times higher than those determined for a longer period. Consequently, the process of increasing a runoff in rivers has intensified over the past thirty years, compared with previous years. What is caused by the continuing increase in air temperature, leading to a shift in the zero isotherm to high-mountain areas, and intensification of the ongoing process of glaciation depletion, which will obviously continue in the event of a further increase in air temperature.
Multiyear distribution of water discharge on the Ala-Archa River (Chu River basin)
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Of the total volume of water abstracted, about 30 -32% are losses, mainly from irrigation systems.
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Of the annual water use volumes, about 96% 4 is used for irrigation, 3% for domestic and drinking needs and 1% for industrial needs.
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Analysis of air temperature and temperature change due to climate change has shown that in the period 2021-2050, annual air temperature is expected to increase by 1.5...1.9°C (optimistic and pessimistic scenarios) compared to the baseline climate of 1981-2010. The largest temperature increase is expected in summer - by 1.7...2.2°C, in other seasons of the year the temperature increase is expected to be comparable to the forecast annual temperature increase. According to the research results, under the assumed climate changes, glaciers in the Chui basin will gradually degrade and may be completely depleted by 2100.
In the Chu basin, the observed variability of river flow in the Chu River basin was investigated by selecting rivers with long observation periods: Chon-Kemin-mouth (83 years), Alamedin-mouth of the Chunkurchak river (104 years), Alaarcha-mouth of the Kashkasu River (92 years), Aksu-village of Chon-Aryk (78 years), Sokuluk-village of Belogorka (82 years), Karabalti-village of Sosnovka (74 years) and Chon-Kaindy-gorge of Chon-Kaindy (77 years). Based on surveys, over the entire observation period, positive annual gradients of change in mean annual discharge are observed on all rivers considered, the highest on the Chon-Kemin and Ala-Archa rivers and the lowest on the Ak-Suu r. During the observation period 1990-2018, firstly, positive trends on the Alaarcha and Aksu rivers changed to negative trends, and secondly, gradients on the Chon-Kaindy, Sokuluk Karabalta Rivers increased several times.eAccording to the research results, under the assumed climate changes, glaciers in the Chui basin will gradually degrade and may be completely depleted by 2100.
Quantitative assessment of moistening has shown that for unfavorable climatic scenarios, practically the whole territory of the republic occupied by arable landfalls into the zone of deserts and semi-deserts. The area of semi-deserts will increase 1,8-2,1 times in the Kyrgyz Republic, and 1,7 - 2,4 times in Chui oblast.
For emergency situations such as: mudflows, floods, mountain lakes break-throughs, the increase is also expected, characterized by a shift in maximum probability of highly-likely emergency situations, towards increased frequency. The consequences of climate change are unfavorable for the economy of the basin and, first for agriculture, public health and natural systems, which determines the need for adaptation actions.
With a further trend in the population growth, the pressure on water resources will increase.
Providing water consumers with water metering devices for the rational use of drinking water, perform additional research, clarification and approval of groundwater reserves within a deposit location(s).
Establishing adequate tariffs for the supply of drinking water.
The average yield of grain crops (without legumes, rice and buckwheat) amounted to 16,7 centners per hectare in 2021 (29,4 centers per ha - in 2017), the yield of potatoes - 166,0 centers per ha (170,8 - in 2017), vegetables - 183,3 (199,9 - in 2017) and melons - 181,6 (228,0 - in 2017).
The decrease in yields of almost all types of crops compared to the last five years was due to severe drought in the summer of 2021 and lack of irrigation water.
Application of water-saving irrigation technologies (drip irrigation, sprinkling).
Observance of crop rotation. Establishment of agricultural cooperatives through consolidation of small parcels of land.
Status of irrigation systems: According to the irrigation fund data, the total length of canals is 1589.0 km, [1] of which 681,0 km are lined, the technical condition of which is assessed as satisfactory - 892,0 km (56%), unsatisfactory - 296,0 km (19%) and only 401,0 km (25%) are in good condition.
[1] Chui Basin Plan
The area of irrigated lands in unsatisfactory condition due to unacceptably high groundwater table and salinization in the Chui basin amounted to 55,1 thous. ha or 16% of the total area of irrigated lands.
The State funding for rehabilitation and (re)construction of irrigation systems is increased annually. By 2026, in accordance with the State Irrigation Development Program of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is planned to put into operation five objects in the Chui basin with the introduction of new irrigated lands on the area of 3200 hectares and increase water availability on the area of 3073 existing irrigated lands.
By 2026, in accordance with the strategy for development of drinking water supply system of settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic, it is planned to construct and rehabilitate drinking water supply systems in the cities of Bishkek, Karabalty, Kant and Tokmok. This Program envisages construction and rehabilitation of wastewater disposal systems in 27 settlements (villages - district centers) and in social institutions in 50 villages under local self-government bodies throughout the Republic.
Organization of solid domestic waste dumps in accordance with existing requirements is carried out by city mayor's offices, regional and district state administrations, Aiyl Okmotu.
Industrial production is accompanied by pollution of water resources, airspace, and the environment.
Water supply to settlements in Chui oblast is mainly from the underground horizon. Out of a total of 273 water intake sources, 112 water quality sources do not meet sanitary requirements.
Lack of access to sewerage leads to the fact that domestic wastewater is discharged into drainage systems, terrain, water bodies, which leads to pollution of both ground and surface water.
One of the significant factors of negative anthropogenic load on natural water bodies is insufficient wastewater treatment. In Chui oblast, 66 treatment facilities are currently registered, of which 28 are not working, 23 are working satisfactorily, 8 - unsatisfactorily, and the rest are mothballed.
A number of district centers and urban-type settlements of Chui oblast (Sokuluk, Manas, Issyk-Ata, Kemin) lack centralized sewage systems and treatment facilities.
There are 25 municipal solid waste dumps located in the Chu River basin. In rural communities, there is usually no organized infrastructure for waste storage and utilization or disposal.
The development of the Chu River basin will be consistent with the achievement of the goals of the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040 and the realization of the National Water Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2040.
The Strategic Vision for the development of the considered basin can be formulated as follows:
Economic, social activities of the population of the Chui basin develop in harmony with the natural environment.
Chui oblast has leading positions on the level of industry development, infrastructure and communications network and the level of favorable conditions for agriculture. Historically, the territory of Chui region was the industrial center of the republic. This is greatly facilitated by a well-developed infrastructure. Since industrial infrastructure is a competitive advantage of Chui region, the first direction of basin development is industrial production. One of the main tasks for the region should be to restore its industrial potential, in particular processing enterprises, which will stimulate the development of other industries. An important step for this is to provide safeguards to protect property rights and investments. In addition, many businesses need access to long-term investment and debt.
The second direction of basin development is agricultural production. In this direction, it is necessary to pay attention to the provision of high-quality seeds and fertilizers, access to financial resources, renewal of agricultural machinery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of irrigation systems. Resolving water conflicts, in particular in bordering areas through the (re)construction and modernization of irrigation systems.
Bishkek has the potential to become the main logistic and financial center of the regional scale. In order to develop Bishkek as the main logistics and financial center of the regional scale, it is necessary to bring all service infrastructure to the level of international standards. First, it concerns transportation, housing and utilities infrastructure, security issues, quality of services. In the gross regional product of Bishkek city, the share of services occupies a key position, in particular trade, transportation and communication. The first level growth point for Bishkek city is its transformation into a regional service information and communication center. The growth points of the second level will be the transformation of Bishkek into a center of business and educational tourism. Sustainable development of the basin in these directions will be achieved by creating a favorable environment, preventing degradation of ecological systems, preserving biological diversity, and introducing energy and resource-saving technologies. In addition, the health and prosperity of a population is directly related to the quality of the environment. One of the main ways to improve the quality of life, health and longevity of the population is to reduce the unfavorable impact of environmental factors and improve the ecological indicators of the environment.