Employees of DWRLI and its subdivisions improved their skills in operating and maintaining irrigation and drainage schemes
Under Component 2, subcomponent 2.3 (d) Staff planning and training for the National Water Resources Management Project, also in accordance with paragraph 53 of the Aide Memoire of the Seventh World Bank Mission, training and staff development of the Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement (DWRLI) and its subordinate units for internal transfer of knowledge, the introduction of new skill sets for the further modernization of DWRLI and its units.
Purpose of courses was to strengthen the university curriculum by integrating the experience of the NWRMP-1 in the curriculum of universities.
This event was held with the financial and technical support of the “National Water Resources Management Project”.
The ceremonial opening of the training courses took place in the conference room of main building of the KNAU with the participation of the provost, dean, director and national consultants of the PIU.
For the first time in the years of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic, from October 29 to November 30, 2018, short-term refresher courses for employees of DWRLI and its subdivisions (repair and construction units (RCU) and water use units (WU)) took place, with 103 specialists from all divisions of DWRLI (OVK, RVK, AHE and Reservoir Offices) on the basis of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University (KNAU) named after K.I. Skryabin.
For the participants, 15 modules were prepared for 40 hours per week on topics agreed with DWRLI in the field of for specialists of the repair and construction units and water use units.
Lectures and classes were conducted by an experienced faculty of the university, all participants were divided into 4 groups (1-2nd group for RCU and 3-4th group for WU).
The course participants were trained on the following topics:
- Basic principles of IWRM and its implementation in the Kyrgyz Republic;
- Modernization concept;
- costing regulatory documents of the KRER-2015. Specifics, changes and amendments;
- regulations on water resources of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- operation and monitoring of ameliorative schemes;
- automated systems in water engineering designing;
- water security;
- climatic conditions and climate change trend in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan;
- modern methods of modeling in water management in a changing climate;
- river basin planning etc.
For participants the questionnaires were prepared. At the end of the short-term training courses, the participants were awarded by certificates.