Issyk-Kul-Tarim River basin

Physiogeographical location

The Issyk-Kul-Tarim basin covers the basin of lake Issyk-Kul, tributaries of the r. Tarim (Lake Lobnor basin) within the Kyrgyz Republic’s territory, r. Karkyra (basin of Lake Balkhash) and the basin of lake. Chatyr-Kol.


The basin includes

From the eastern, southeastern parts of the Issyk-Kul lake basin borders on the river basin Tarim (Lake Lobnor). The tributaries of which in the KR’s territory are the rr. Saryzhaz, Chon-Uzengikuush, Aksai and Kyzylsu. The rivers are formed in the highland regions of Inner and Central Tien Shan, cutting through the Kokshaal-Too ridge with narrow gorges, and entering the territory of Western China. The r. Karkyra belongs to the northeastern part of the considered basin, a tributary of the second order is the r. Ili.


The lake Issyk-Kul is located at altitude of 1609 meters above sea level, mirror area - 6280 km₂, length - 177 km, maximum width - 60 km, water volume - 1700 km₃, length of coastline - 688 km, average depth - 278 m, maximum depth - 668 m, length from west to east - 178 km, length from south to north - 60.1 km, total length of beaches - 320 km. The lake Issyk-Kul is endorheic with 118 rivers inflow, while in the western part of the lake basin, poor in precipitation, the river network is poorly developed and has a low specific water content. The middle and eastern part of Issyk-Kul basin is characterized by a developed river network with a higher specific water content. The largest are the rivers Tyup and Dzhyrgalan.


The r. Karadarya is the main left tributary of the r. Syrdarya, the runoff of which is formed on the southwestern slope of Fergana and the northern slope of the Alai ridges. The river belongs to the territory of river basin Kyzylsu (Western) with tributaries, which inflows into the r .Amudarya.

Agriculture and animal husbandry

The share in the total republican volume of gross output of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Issyk-Kul oblast is 11% , over the past five years.


The structure of agricultural production that has developed in recent years in Issyk-Kul oblast is as follows: crop production - 46%, livestock - 51.9% and agricultural services - 1.8%. The total sown area of Issyk-Kul oblast, over the past five years, is quite stable and amounts to 176.4 -183.3 thousand hectares. Grains - 50% prevail in the crops sown, including wheat - 67%, barley - 33%, potato - 15% and fodder crops - 33%.

Regarding the main types of livestock, a stable growth in recent years is also noted, especially the number of horses (18%), bovine and sheep (15%). The load of bovine and horses per 100 hectares in the oblast is quite high in the KR, and amounts to 15 and 7 heads, respectively. The load of sheep and goats is also quite high, amounting to 57 heads.


thousand people

According to estimated data, the actual population of Issyk-Kul oblast, at the end of 2021, amounted to 505.9 thousand people. Of these, 70.0 % lived in villages, and 30.0 % in urban-type settlements. In 2017-2021, there was an increase in the population by 22.9 thousand people or by 4.7 %.


The volume of industrial production in the oblast is 19-25% of the total KR’s volume, mainly manufacturing industries up to 97-98%. The oblast produces the metals and finished metal products, electrical equipment, food products, etc. Up to 96% of industrial production is produced in Jety-Oguz rayon. The growth rate of industrial production in the oblast is uneven from year to year, and is characterized by rather low rates.


The territory

The territory of lake Issyk-Kul is a place of combination of salubrious climate and untouched nature, which is under the influence of a non-freezing lake with sea water. A rare combination of sea and mountain climate attracts numerous vacationers and tourists. Along entire coast of the lake there are numerous recreational houses and holyday retreats. The lake Issyk-Kul is the main source of income from tourism. The number of hotels, at the end of 2021, was 34[1], the number of health-recreation resorts was 88. The number of domestic tourists, for 2021, is 247.1 thousand people, which is more by 11.8 thousand people or 5.0 % compared to 2017. The Issyk-Kul oblast, due to its ecological features, is the most developed with the resort and recreational services, and thus attracts many tourists.


The Issyk-Kul rayon, due to its ecological features, is the most developed in the resort and recreational direction, and thus attracts numerous tourists. The total population of Issyk-Kul rayon is more than 97  thousand people, but in the summer tourist season, only the number of tourists reaches one million people. The most negative impact on ecology around the lake and entire biospheric territory is made by the discharge of wastewater from settlements, objects of tourist industry, trade and catering.There are 124 water treatment facilities in Issyk-Kul oblast, of which 89 work satisfactorily, 23 are unsatisfactory and 12 are not functional. According to the form of ownership, the majority of water treatment facilities are 87 private health institutions and recreational houses, 29 – departmental, 4 – municipal and 4 – treatment facilities of recreational houses of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


An increase in the average annual air temperature is observed in all climatic zones and oblasts of the Kyrgyz republic, as well as in all altitudinal zones. The survey of current changes in runoff of 14 rivers of the Issyk-Kul-Tarim basin (ITB) during two time periods: an extended period for the entire observation period, and a shorter period from 1990 to 2018. The choice of the latter is due to the fact that in the KR a significant increase in air temperature has been traced since the beginning of 90s of the last century.

The surveys for both periods revealed positive annual runoff gradients, and the absolute values determined for two different periods demonstrate that the gradients calculated for 1990-2018 2.3 times higher than those determined for a longer period. Consequently, the process of increasing a runoff in rivers has intensified over the past thirty years, compared with previous years. What is caused by the continuing increase in air temperature, leading to a shift in the zero isotherm to high-mountain areas, and intensification of the ongoing process of glaciation depletion, which will obviously continue in the event of a further increase in air temperature.

Multiannual runoff of r. Chon-Kyzyl-Suu discharge (basin of l. Issyk-Kul).

Use of water resources

The annual water abstraction from surface sources, including groundwater the basin-wide is about 650 million m₃, of which about 450 million m₃ is used for various needs.

Sampling of water use on the territory of the Yssyk-Kul-Tarim basin (million m/cubic meter)

The annual water abstraction from surface sources, including groundwater the basin-wide is about 650 million m₃, of which about 450 million m₃ is used for various needs.

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WATER ABSTRUCTION and use for 2017-2021


Of the total volume of water withdrawn, about 31 percent are losses from irrigation systems, mainly.

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Of the annual volumes of water use, about 93% is used for irrigation, 5% for domestic and drinking needs and 2% for industrial needs.

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Projected climate change

climate change

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In the period 2021-2050, the annual air temperature is expected to increase by 1.5 - 1.9°C (optimistic and pessimistic scenarios) compared to the baseline climate in 1981-2010. The greatest increase in temperature is expected in the summer period - by 1.7 - 2.2°С, in the remaining seasons of the year, an increase in temperature is expected comparable to the forecast for annual temperature increase. Based on the climate forecasting results for a runoff and chronological graphs of changes, in average annual water discharges for 13 rivers of the Issyk-Kul basin, regression equations and trends in river runoff for the next 10 years were obtained. It is predicted that the runoff of five rivers will decrease over the coming decade, and irrigated lands under these rivers runoff will experience a shortage of irrigation water, which is about 27,514 ha. For three rivers: Chon-Koysu, Barskoon and Chon-Aksu, a slight increase in runoff <10% is predicted, which indicates that also irrigated lands under these rivers runoff will experience a shortage of water resources in the upcoming decade. It is highly likely that a river runoff will increase slightly until 2020s due to glacier storeactivity, but then will decrease.

Existing issues and remedies

  1. Currently, an unfavorable ecological situation is developing on the territories of recreational houses and holyday retreats of lake Issyk-Kul, which leads to a decrease in recreational value of the lake complex and, if the existing negative trends persist, may lead to irreversible environmental and economic losses. One of the main sources of pollution of the lake and its territories are cities and towns located in the coastal zone, and along the banks of rivers flowing into lake Issyk-Kul.

The residents, organizations, entities are discharging sewage and waste into rivers and, in some places, directly into the lake, since treatment facilities either do not exist at all, and if they exist, the quality of treatment does not meet the established requirements. As a result, a large volume of dangerously polluted wastewater containing organic and chemical compounds enters the lake. In the cities of Balykchy, Karakol, Cholpon-Ata, the existing sewage and wastewater treatment facilities, due to many years of operation and untimely (re)construction, overhaul, have become unusable, do not perform their functions, and at best they only perform mechanical wastewater treatment. All this creates additional environmental risks for the Issyk-Kul water protection zone. However, during the tourist season in the valley of lake Issyk-Kul, density reaches 18 people/km₂, in the coastal part of the lake - about 100 people/km₂, which is ten times higher than the average population density of the oblast, and five times the national average (20 people/km₂), this indicates a high level of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment.

The increasing recreational load without taking appropriate measures will inevitably lead to a violation of the natural balance of the lake ecosystem, a decrease in function of biological self-purification. The collection, storage, disposal of household waste in Issyk-Kul oblast still remains an acute problem. Due to the growing number of vacationers, the population increase, a worrying problem for condition of the environment, soil, fish spawning are plastic bags, plastic bottles, garbage that remains in the coastal zone of the lake and, especially, during the tourist season.

On April 26, 2022, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, signed-off the Decree УП № 131: “On urgent measures to preserve the ecology of Lake Issyk-Kul”.

Prevention of ecological catastrophe of the biosphere zone and conservation of lake Issyk-Kul, effective use and management of its adjacent territory, create conditions and control over development of the resort, recreational and tourist infrastructure of the Issyk-Kul oblast.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, dated April 26, 2022 УП № 131 “On urgent measures to preserve the ecology of Lake Issyk-Kul”, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, dated March 28, 2023, approved the comprehensive state program No. 133-r: “Protection of Lake Issyk-Kul Kul and socio-economic development of the Issyk-Kul biospheric zone for 2023-2026”. The objective of the program is to protect the lake Issyk-Kul and protect the Issyk-Kul biosphere zone from negative impact on the natural environment resulted from human activity, technogenic and natural factors.

To improve the quality of wastewater treatment, by 2024, it is planned to build water treatment facilities, as well as sewer systems in the cities of Karakol and Balykchy. By 2026, it is planned:

  • construction and rehabilitation of WWTP and sewer networks in the villages Bokonbaevo, Kyzyl-Suu and the urban-type settlement of Kadzhi-Sai.
  • construction of a treatment plant and sewage system in the city Cholpon-Ata with the connection of the villages Kara-Oi, Bosteri, Baktuu-Dolonotu, as well as recreational houses and holyday retreats located in these settlements;
  • construction of waste treatment/processing enterprises in the cities Balykchy, Karakol and Cholpon-Ata.
  • Install dry closets for urban and rural beaches, with connection to water supply and sanitation, including along main routes

  1. The main problems of agricultural sector are the lack of a cycle for processing agricultural products, there is a need for high-quality seeds and mineral fertilizers. The rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems is also required. In general, in Issyk-Kul oblast, the length of irrigation canals is about 760 thousand km, of which 30% of the network is in faulty condition and requires overhaul. Develop the processing industry and transportation infrastructure. The State funding for rehabilitation and (re)construction of irrigation systems is increased annually. By 2026, according to the State Program for development of irrigation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the lake Issyk-Kul basin, it is planned to commission into operation five facilities with total cost of about KGS 2.4 billion, which will allow the development of new irrigated lands on area of 3230 hectares, and increase water delivery of 12600 hectares of existing irrigated lands

With further trend of the population growth, the pressure on water resources will increase.
- provide water consumers with water meters for rational use of drinking water;
- perform additional surveying and clarify and identify groundwater reserves and their locations;
- establish adequate tariffs for supplying drinking water.
By 2026, it is planned to build and rehabilitate drinking water supply and sewage systems in the cities Karakol, Cholpon-Ata and Balykchy with the help of the EBRD for total amount of KGS 1.04 billion .

River basin development tendency

The development of Issyk-Tarim basin will be consistent with achieving objectives of the National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040 ,and implementation of the National Water Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic until 2040. The Strategic vision for development of the basin can be formulated as follows:

The economic and social activities of the population in Issyk-Tarim basin are developing in harmony with the natural environment.

The basin development will proceed in the following directions:

Tourism development

Due to natural and climatic conditions, tourism will be the main engine for development of the Issyk-Kul oblast. The lake Issyk-Kul, in fact, is already an international recreation area. The subject to implementation of interconnected projects in the tourism sector, it will become a first-level point for the economy growth of the Issyk-Kul oblast. In this regard, it is necessary to develop and improve the quality of tourism services, infrastructure and communications, create favorable conditions for development of a transportation and logistics centers in the city Balykchy, providing the development of modern transportation infrastructure, including water, road and rail transportation, and the development of transit of goods/commodities and services.


The second direction of the basin development is the production of agricultural products, primarily to provide tourism enterprises. This region has a need for high-quality seed materials, rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems, provision of veterinary services. Resolving water conflicts, in particular in bordering areas through the (re)construction and modernization of irrigation systems.

Development of mining industry

Investments in the processing industry will be required. The Issyk-Kul oblast also has rich mineral deposits and potential for investment.

development tendency of The Issyk-Kul-Tarim river basin